Friday, May 6, 2011


Holly and Gary showed up to my house at 9:30 AM. it wasn't anything fancy, no picnic baskets, no French baguettes and certainly no 7 kind of cheeses and red and white whine chilled on ice. Gary isn't really famous for his attendance and Holly's Fridays are always hectic yet here they were ready to show they meant business. We grabbed the stuff and off to the park we went. It was a wonderful learning experience. Gary kept making fun of the "PERJEEYAN" women and kept asking what would it really take to get them away from their safe walls to the naked nature. we painted and painted. It was Holly's first time ever doing a live landscape and I think she really loved it. Here's what we're going to do. We're shooting for the Friday after the next one the 20th. We're doing this again and this time we're going to take our sheets and cheeses and whine and breds and we're going to turn it into a seriously fun picnic/workshop. they say if you build it they will come and we're going to build it. I don't care if it's going to be only Holly and myself again but we're going to do this. this is for all of you Persian princesses who criticize the studio for it's "copying" philosophy and techniques. You don't want to copy in your own little minds you say? well, here's the opportunity. If you're not going to show up? please spare me from your bull crap about how you're not learning anything any more because you're copying and you want to be free of it. I am so sick to my stomach of such cliché words which you yourselves know not the meaning of, that I couldn't begin to describe it. Here's your opportunity to your so called artistic freedom.

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