Monday, October 27, 2008


ای دل اکر عاشقی در پی تریاک باش

(علیرضا میبدی)

این طبیعی اسث که خیانت را بدون وصاعل و تجحیزات شناخت خیانت و میکروب را بدون میکروسکپ نمیشود تشخیص داد و شناسایی کرد. فیلسوفی میگوید خائنین حرفه ای و زرنگ به هنگام پخش شایعه خیانتشان به قصد لوس نمودن واقعه و فراهی جلوه دادن ان خود پیشدستی کرده ِشروع میکنند خود اطحامات متسبه را مطرح و علنی نمودن و با گردنی افراشته موضوع را به تمصخر و استحزا گرفتن. جند روز قبل جناب اقای میبدی ضمن اجراع برنامه در رادیو و تلویزیون ناگهان شروع نمودند با شحامتی ساختگی و حالتی تمصخر امیز و حرفه ای اطحامات وخیانتهای پیرامون خود را بیان و مطرح کردند. توری رندانه و هنری این مانور هنری را اجرا نمودند که الحق حتا زرنگهای روزگار هم از بابت صحت و سقم و واقعی بودن ان اطحامات به تردید افتاده دچار سردرگمی شدند حالا ما به خاطر اینکه ایمان پیدا کنیم جناب اقای میبدی نعله وارونه نزده و حقیقتا قصد لوس ان اطحاماط را نداشتند و نحایتا ان اطحامات و شایعه ها به راستی بی اساس می باشند یعنی حتی بر خلاف زربن مثل "تا نباشد چیزکی مردم نگویند چیزها"حتا چیزکی هم در کار نبوده است و نحایتا حضرت میبدی مثل درخت سنجد صاف صاف میباشند ما تنها به یکی از ان اطحامت توجه نموده و فقط پیرامون ان یکی از ایشان, از خود ایشان سوال میکنیم چه مشت نمونهً خروار استو پاسخ ایشان هم که صد البته راستگو می باشند حجت قاطع. از جناب میبدی سوال میکنیم, عالی جناب, ایا چنانکه در اطحاماطه منتسب به شما امده است وخود ذکر نمودید, حضرت عالی به مواد افیونی من جمله تریاک شدیدن اعطیاد دارید؟ واگر دارید ضمنن بفرمایید مخارج این اطیاد شدید یا تفنن افراطی که قاعدطاَ مبلق قابل ملاحظه و سنگینی هم میشود چگونه و از کجا تعمین میگردد تا با این پاسخ خودبخود برسیم به چگونگی و وضع و حاله اطحامات و شایعه های دیگر موجود پیرامون ان وجود, ان جناب ممتاز.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Shohreh Aghdashloo, Doctor kamran Borookhim

آقای دکتر کامران بروخیم از دوستان دکتر خوب من در "لس انجلس" است. چندی پیش از ایشان در برنامه ی رادیویی که دارند صحبتهایی شنیدم که افکارم رو کاملا آزار داد.
ایشان مرد بسیار شریفی هستند و من بسیار ارادت دارم بهش... و این شخص دوست من است.پس اگر انتقادی هست صمیمانه است.جنبه ی علاقه و حرمت است و نه جنبه ی خصمانه.
من نمی گم که خانوم آغاداشلو رابطه خاصی با دولت یا جمهوری اسلامی داره . این حرفا رو من نمی زنم اصلان. ولی می خوام بگم که مردم ایران دیگه باهوش شدن. آنقدر آسیب خوردن ،آنقدر فلاکت دیدن ، آنقدر کشته دادن ، نا مردی دیدن و نارو دیدن، تو همین حتی لی انجلس که دیگه تجربه کردن. مردم با تجربه ای هستن هر کدومشون برای اداره ی یک کشور اصلان اطلاعاتشون کافیه .می تونن تشخیص خوب و بد رو بدن بدبختی و فلاکت علمشون رو در این زمینه بالا برده . (اینا همه هیچ)
ولی مردم رفتن به چشم مولوی که یک شاعریست ، یک هنرمندیست ، یک چیز سنتی ست که باعث افتخار مردم ایران بوده، بهش افتخار کردن، آمدند ناگهان خدا کردندش، یا می خواستند آخوندش کنند. بستنش به قرآن و شریعت. و نمی دونم خاک قبر و نمدونم چند دفعه نماز و ... چه بساطی راه انداختند اونجا .. یک چیز فلسفی – هنری دنیا پسند رو کشوندند به یک مبلغ خاص جمهوری اسلامی. جمع شدند یک همچین کاری رو انجام دادند. مادر من که یک زن 65 ساله است ، پدر دوستم که 92 سالشه پاشد اومد بیرون.آقای دکتر بورخیم رفیق من هم فهمید. همه فهمیدن. ولی من سوالم از آقای دکتر بورخیم این هست که حالا چرا ایشون اومده و با همه اینها تبلیغ چی خانوم آغاداشلو شده؟؟ چه لزومی داشت؟
آقای دکتر اینها برنامه دارند که ببینند کی اصلاح داره ، اون دوا بده. ایشون یکهو همه کاره شدند. کنسرت چی شدند ، همه کاره هستند. ایشون پشت میکرفن که می شینند راجع به فلان سبزی فروش که فروشش خوبه یا خوب نیست، یا فلان جا که فلان کس مرده ، یا کجا کنسرت اندی و مندی و کجا رقاص خونه است و همه اینها رو هم میگن.(قبول)
اینجا لازم بود که دیگه مردمی که نفرتشون به خدا رسیده، ایشون هم بیان و برای خانوم آغاداشلئ سینه بزنند؟ چی گیرشون می آد؟من سوالم اینه. خانوم آغاداشلو بچه است؟ خانوم آغاداشلو نمی دونست چی کار داره می کنه؟
(اونم می گیم قبول)
شما نمی دونستید دارید چه می کنید؟ اینجا جواب مردم رو باید داد. این باعث افتخار شماست؟ چون باعث افتخار ملت ایران که نبود. باعث تحقیر ملت ایران بود.حالا چرا باعث افتخار شماست آقای دکتر؟ اون رو باید به ملت ایران توضیح بدین.دیگه کسی نبود که این مساله رو نفهمه. مدتها زحمت کشیده شد که این برنامه رو میزون کنند. خانوم آغاداشلو نفهمیده چه کار می کنه؟ شما نفهمیدید؟ پس چرا این دخالت رو کردید در چیزی که نفهمیدید؟ چیزی که همه ملت ایران فهمید ولی شما نفهمیدید .....

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Emerald Jungle

This is my latest painting. I'd love to know your thoughts about it please.
Visit more of my paintings at and don't forget to come see me at mehregan next week! :o)

Monday, September 8, 2008


Go visit his website at

For those of you Iranian Artists whom either refer to themselves as “master” or give the title to someone else……. For those of you Artists who build websites after websites and one more fancy than the other….. For those of you connoisseurs of art who call the first painting that looks like a photograph “Realism” and who very much like flies gather round and round around the fruit of “Art” at every exhibition and art gathering. For those of you who probably wouldn’t tell the difference between good or bad work of art. For all of you ignorant parasites who have yet to learn a thing about art…… Here is a few works of Master Peyman the only one to whom are no two alike.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Days from now is Kamalolmolk's birthday. I seriously doubt that any Iranian will know or even give a dam about it. I would none the less have a thing or two to say about it just in case it would ketch some one's attention. First lets see who kamalolmolk was. had it not been for him Iranian artists were still drawing meaningless miniatures next to their opium. He was seriously anti Reza Shah and that's quit expected of a true artist. despite what most if not all Iranians think kamalolmolk did not bring Realism to Iran but introduced true naturalism to it's time which became a sort of a base for Realism by Master Hooshang Peyman the greatest painter Iran has ever known. Ok, in case I've lost you, there is a huge difference between Realism and naturalism. Chances are very few people can tell the difference between the two. We won't go there. I know I have talked about it many times before. What i think is of importance is where the artistic community is after about a hundred years after kamalolmolk. Lets be honest, today we won't find one single soul who will be able to describe Realism. If Realism can not be described by our connoisseurs of Art then neither can naturalism or any other school of painting for that matter. Sadly I find it not so surprising that yet Iran produces nothing but masters when it comes to painting along with any other subject in art I'm sure such as masters of music, masters of theater and this and that. The word MASTER must be just bout the cheapest name in our artistic vocabulary in fact. These days to be a master all a painter has to do is to lick his or her painting to the point that it turns into a photograph. Voila,... he or she is now a master. We have master katouzian who is ridiculously called the greatest Realist when even he himself claims to be a graphist! No wonder, his student Iman maleki and other canvas licker has earned this title after his Master. Today, Iman maleki, Mortea katouzian and in fact no other painter in the whole country has the capability to describe realism in a sentence. As far as they are concerned kamalolmolk brought realism from France and that's that. They take a projector, draw the outlines of an image on canvas in ten minutes and begin to soften the colors into one an other producing an image that has no artistic value. You as someone who has never seen a good painting may find these works to be great. an artist however will tell you that once you turn painting into a photo it looses so much. once colors are so mixed or in my terms "licked to death" the become simply put "dead." Dead colors have no life into them. Dead colors don't create a three dimensional image but a two dimensional one. Finally besides the fact that its really the projector that has done most of the work since a painter knows that softening or licking a work is considered to be the first thing that a student learns, there is now the most important thing missing, that being the creativity. But this creativity thing is a whole different story. It can not be taken lightly. I think us as Iranians have no notion of what art is. We love to scream it loud. We love to write it on big buildings that "Art is in the hands of Iranians." I think this alone shows how desperately we like to portray this image of our selves. I think we're happier as a nation when we produce these paper masters left and right. We sure have enough uneducated people who put these masters in the place of where our real masters belong devaluating their names and all their accomplishments.
As for kamalolmol, well who cares? What is the difference if he existed or didn’t? There was a single person named kamalolmolk that brought something to the art of Iran and an other single person who perfected it by the name of Houshang Peyman. Consequently they are both unrecognized by their people.
I for one would like to say happy birthday to Mr Ghaffari better known as kamalolmolk. Had he not existed these sheeps would have been the same sheeps. As for master Peyman well,.. Ask yourself; did you know of his existence? Yes, my point exactly.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bita Vakili

Many years ago I met Bita Vakili by accident. It was a typical story of Email writings and a one sided infatuation from my part. She lived in Tehran and I was in LA soon about to make my trip to there after a life time of living in the states. I do remember a terribly hot after noon sitting in her atelier sweating a river as she offered me refreshments. The infatuation died probably that very day in that basement where she painted.
Since then I see the name Bita Vakili everywhere I turn on the net and her paintings has become something of a trendy nature it seams. There are a few things that I have to point out because it seams to be a common denominator with all these so called Modern Artist.
I won’t really get into the philosophy of any of this simply because I’m tired of doing it and besides to understand logics and reasoning of art one first needs the educated listeners and with all due respect to today’s living folks there simply aren’t any left. Don’t feel too bad if you’re reading this. If it’s any consolation I can promise you with much confidence that you won’t ever find a professor of art or any so called connoisseurs of art that could define the meaning of the word Realism. Don’t act shocked! Look, it’s a simple thing. One who graduates in arts and in art history at the Sorbonne that’s probably one of the better places in the world to study art would not have a notion of what art is. That's because the very books they studied never thought them a thing. To write a book about different schools of art you first have to be a philosopher so you can understand the philosophy aspect of it. Then, you’d need to be a painter, so you can put it all down on canvas to be able to understand and to touch what you say or else none of it would come out right. Then, you need to be a psychologist to be able to understand the psychology of art otherwise art is meaningless to you. Now you need to be a sociologist. To not understand sociology one has nothing to put on canvas. There’s probably a few other things to be accomplished to be able to write a book on art but at the end one certainly needs to be a strong writer so all of which one has learned can be put to words. Now, I’d like to hear the name of a single book about art that the author was even half of what I just described. The truth of it is that you just won’t find a book like this. The truth is that no book about art, no university that teaches art has ever anything valuable to say about art mainly for the reason I just explained. Now since art just became something of an orphan just about anyone can stick anything on its forehead and give it any desired attributes to mould it to the purposes of their exploitations. Now rtists like Bita Vakili can simply grow like wild weeds from every little whole in our planet.
This is where flies like Bita Vakili and her kind of so called artists start flying around the rotten but ever suit fruit of art. Now all that it takes is a large basement under some expensive house in (shahrake gharb) paid for by daddy of course, a big enough ego, a semi nostalgic life, an expensive website with the longest biography and a bunch of none sense that most usually end in spirituality is what one needs to be an artist. Speaking of which, thank god for Dr HOLAKOOEE who came out of no where and told all Iranian women that their love affair with their so called spirituality really is their mental illness and nothing more. (Abe pAki ro ru daste hamashun rikht~!) It’s amazing though, you won’t ever find a single website of these modern artists that you won’t find piles and piles of these ridiculous poetic quotations. Well wall would they put there? Something has to create some diversion from the piece of shit that the poor viewer has to look at. Quotations for god’s sake! It’s amazing that any idiot that fails chemistry and get into a war with their parents now opens a site, wipes up something on canvas and types quotations after quotations. Seriously, go to Bita Vakili’s page and tell me if the paragraph she has there makes any sense at all.
Here, take a look at another one parasite of art
You know,,,the emptier the inside of a bag, the more covered with glitter on the outside. All of that aside, for heaven's sake, the very reason we have art is so we won't have to pile shit loads of quotations around it. Helloo????????????????????? a painting is a whole BOOK! DUUUUUUHHH?! Oh yes,,,for poeple who know how to paint that is,..never mind!
It’s as if no one finds a shorter wall than the "Art Wall" to climb from. Any and every looser becomes an accomplished artist. Of course vultures like the art promoters also have a hand in this. You ever seen the face of one of these pests? Go and meet one and believe me when I say they won’t have to open their mouth for their true selves to come out. Oh mother Russia, where are your communist leaders to save us all by sending these parasites all to Siberia so they can repay their debts to society?
Well, these few lines were only typed for the one in ten thousand who can comprehend where I come from.
I think people like Bita Vakili are criminals. Hey,…you… you that one among ten thousand! You know know what I’m talking about I know. As for the rest of you ….. oh just shut up and go be an Artist~! Websites are cheap nowadays.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I won't expect for a none Iranian to make much ofthis photo but if you're Iranian and around my age (40) i I think this photo moves you the same way it moves me.
I'm not too sure just once every how often a new story of Tin Tin would come out, was it maybe once a month? What I do remember is how I would loose myself completly when my buddy our upstares neighbour would give me the news of the store carrying the new Tin Tin. How I would shake my father like a money tree telling him what I needed the money for. How we would run up the street to the store where they had stakes of the new arrived comic book piles up right on the floor next to the entry doors. How I can still remember the smell of the new covers. We would first sit and study the cover only for hours as if the covers gave away all its inner secrets.
I wish so much to get a hold of an other Tin Tin and jump right onto my bed laying on my tummy with my Tin Tin open in front of me. I really wonder if it would still feel the same. I wonder if I can once more loose myself into a much warm and secure place where the only worry would be weather to be done with the book before lunch or not. I eally would want to live just one more day of my life with nothing in my heart and mind but the exitment of flipping through yet an other page of Tin Tin and Milou.....

Friday, August 22, 2008


Some time ago at a friend's house I met a charlatan by the name of Davood Roustaei. I remember having opened the door as the bell rang and here came this guy in a semi bull fighting costume with his hand on his tummy like Napoleon Bonaparte. He had pushed one eye brow up in the sky and almost walked in half way side ways. As he took these silly steps! Behind him, very much like a poodle dog walked some really cheap and sexy "Miss Tits on the Ritz" character called Shaghayegh. You know? the so called famous singer. I remember thinking to myself "Oh brother.." I don't want to go over how the crowd responded as the bull fighter and his female cow walked in, it was quit pathetic. Miss tits on the ritz Shaghayegh sat on the tip of some chair and perfected her sitting pose and froze there for a good 45 minutes or so, showing off her probably fake breasts to all the poor family members who were there for my friend's birthday. To my amazement the father of this poor being was also there at the party. He's some guy who supposedly owns an Iranian TV station or something. He had been invited with the other vultures that were officially the promoters of this Davood Roustaei character. One of the highlights of that party that stayed in my mind was the comments that the father was making about his appetite for "young chicks NOT OVER 18." I thought to myself, here,... he's the one to blame for the crumbled inner self of his poor sorry excuse of a daughter. As all the guys went GOOGOOGAAGAA over the loose chick What interested me was knowing just which whole had the crazy matador crawled out from. This is a guy who paints with his eyes closed and uses his fingers to paint. Ok, it only took 700 years for humanity to perfect the painting brush but never mind that insignificant fact. His pride and joy is the billions of photos that he's taken with any celebrity he could probably find and this it really shows in every photo. I encourage you to check it out. Oh yes, his works are for endless amounts of dollars and he paints for Vatican and the presidents! Get this please, KRIPTO REALISM,...yes you heard me right, KRIPTO realism is the new philosophy of painting that he has created. Right out of a superman movie in case you didn't get it. I can't help but to remember that famous event that took place in the old soviet union during Xruchev. for those of you who don't know it, there was a grand exhibition once made for the honour of Xruchev once. as he walked in, he noticed a statue that almost looked human but had a very modern crumbled face that didn't look anything like a face of a human being. He asked to see the artist that had made the statue. They brought this woman and introduced her to him. He asked the woman, what is this? She replied, this is me! Xruchev asks, do you look like this? or would you wish that you looked like this piece? she babbled on with her modern descriptive words and she hadn't finished her speech when suddenly Xruchev orders his officials to take her and sentence her to two years of hard work in Siberia so she can quickly repay that which her society had invested in her so she could produce art work for his nation. I have to say that as an artist I can understand that with my every fiber of being.
These days I think the Shaghayegh chick walks behind some other gay looking Iranian pop singer now making daddy proud I'm certain and she's moved on from the Bonaparte seen. As for the matador,...well,.... lets just say there was no one in the Iranian artistic community to feel offended and belittled at his presence. You want to see what he's up to these days,......

As an artist I don't concern myself much with the Shaghayegh "chick" as daddy would put it or miss "Claudia Lynx" ash she ridiculously calls herself since parasites like her are everywhere in every society but I do have entangled thoughts in regards to this other microbe Davood the stuge. As a great Iranian painter once said, Art is the symbol of the utmost manifestation of the human psyke. To stain it is to tarnish the very conciousness of the inner self.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008



Friday, August 8, 2008

My recent art show at Blick

I had a blast at Blick art store where I did a demo for some viewers.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Yek dAstAn az 1999.

hamun miz, hamun nassimeh bahareee ba hamun sedayeh ab va hamun ehssassehyakh kardaneh royeh muhayeh poshteh kenareh dast. asheh parvin khanumambehhamun ghaliziyeh, tanha cheezee keh hamun nist, hesseh khoshee hast kehba nigah kardaneh beh varaghehayeh naghasheem behem midad,......emroozhamaro roo computeram too mashinam gozashtam vakhtee piadeh shodam, umadamasstinamo ta konam beda bala keh hamun nassimeh bahareee zad zireh hameyehvaragheham va tu yeki az in khiabunayeh far-eeyeh westwood BLVD hamaropakhsho pala kard. duneh duneh yeh karamo nigah dashteh budam, masalan bayeh khodkareh talA zireh har kudumeshuno commentary neveshteh budam, dorostbeh sabkeh leonardo:0))) dussseshun dashtam, karayeh kucheek budand, bishtarzanhayeh lokht az rooyeh tarh hayeh mokhtalefi keh osstad peyman har ruuzbehem mideh. dusseshun dashtam yeh jurayee, mikhasstam yeh cheezee dorostkonam keh hamashuno nigah daram tush keh vakhtee keh bozorgshodam...:0)))))) betunam hanuz dashteh bashameshun,.......hamashraft,...beh ghadreee narahat shodam keh hatta bad az inkeh chand tashuno azru zamin vardashtam neshesstam dobareh too mashino beheshun negahkardam,...tA khordegeehayeh kuchulu, hich cheezee bishtar az takhordegeehayeh kuchulu beezar nistam tu zendegi,....chera? mageh hameyehzendegiyeh mano ta khordegeehayeh kuchulu tashkil nemidand? pass chera inhameh vassvass? hamaro dobareh ba bee rahmeeyeh tamam rikhtam dobarehvassteh hamun khiabun! mesleh inkeh hame cheezamo azam gereftehbudan,.....hameh cheezam khob azam gerefteh shodeh bud, yeh bad, ba yehbadeh bahari:0) pisheh khodam tA khodeh sandevich furusheeyeh attary fekrkardam, tamameh 4 daghigheh o nimesho! ta touleh rah, hbeh joz kharabshodegeeha sareh raham cheezee nadidam, mashinee keh kenaram park shodehbud, poshtesh cheghadr bad jur khordeh bud beh yeh masheeneh digeh,in,...un,...har chee keh dorovaram didam hmash sadameh khordegi ha bud, chehjaleb.......pisheh khodam fekr kardam,...cheh jaleb keh tu yeh lahzeh inhameh tarzeh dido fekram avaz shod va khod beh kkhod joz kharab shodegee hava az beyn raftegi ha cheezee digeh natunesstam bebeeenam. pisheh khodamsayee kardam keh yeh cheezeee tu hameyeh inha peyda konam beh behem energyyeh ino bedeh keh betunam faghat beram tu attary besheeenamo bar nagardamkhuneh.nemidunam khodamo akhar ghaneh kardam ya na,.....vali beh khodam goftam kehhameyeh ina tuyeh khodeh maneh, hameyeh ina az khodeh man miad,....chehruuzhayee keh nayumadeh hanuz va cheh karhayee keh hanuz tamum nashodeh. behroozeh ghablam tu studio fekr kardam,.......cheghadr khub keh injureehameyeh karayee keh kardeh budam az beyn raft, vahshatnak tareen kar barayehyeh naghash vakhteeyeh keh osstad beh hameyeh un rizekareehayee keh kardionakardee negahee mikoneo migeh pAkesh konid! hatta nemizareh khodet in karobekonee, dasstmaleh khasheneto var midareo hameyeh bumo dobareh sefisokassif mikoneh. az donia seer mishee, barayeh man, cheh barehavaleh khuubi, cheh dassti behtar az dasteh yeh nassimeh baharee keh hameyehkaramo azam begeereh va begeh dobareh? khoshhal shodam,....yeho yeh shureebarayeh yeh cheezeee tu delam pyda kardam,.....kheyli khoshhal shodam.
do jaleseh pish avalin kareh rangeh roghanamo beh tamameh manA sh shurukardam. dafehateh pish, karhayeh khodam ham roghan bud, vali hameesheh bayeh rang, ghahveyeee yeh sukhteh. tarzo sheeveyeh khodam ro ham bekarmipordam, ba rangeh roghan tarahee mikardam jayeh rang zadan, layeh hayehkheyli raghigh, kheyli khoshk, khyli kam, rooyeh hamdigeh, yeki bad az yeki,engar keh medad kar mikonam jayeh rangeh roghan. sujeyee ro ham keh shuurukardam beh vahshatnakeeyeh khodeh sabk bud. yeh aksseh goldun ba yeh moshtgoleh rangarang. az in vahshatnaktaro bee mani tar mageh misheh naghasheee?az hamun sAateh avvalesh azA gerefteh budam. in ranga yeki bad az yeki digehmiraft rouyeh bumo har sanieh kAro vahshatnaktar mikard. adam mituneh inhameh rango bardareh bezareh ru ghalamo bemaleh beh bum? dastam ham mAlehkhodam nabud, digeh dashtam gereyh mikardam. har kee miumad yeh nigaheemindakht migoft,...ohhh, goooooodddd, gooood jobbb, in commenthavahshatnak tar? mikhasstam begam beheshun licheh kassifeh ko,ssteh madarehshoma ham bar labAneh khod va khAharetun! vali jash ba cheshmayeh geryun olabayeh nimeh khandun beheshun vahshatzadeh nigah mikardam. khodA ro shokrkeh hamisheh chanda az aksshayeh karhayeh khodam hamisheh pisham hasst.barghee beh har bahaneyee dareshun miaramo mizarameshunjeloshoooon,....complimAneh vagheyee vakkhtee hasst keh dahaneshun vamimuneh va beh khodeshun in ejazaro nemidan keh hatta began ohhh gooooooddd,gooodd joooobb,,.....unjasst keh labkhandeh vahshatnakam tabdil beh yeh nopusskhandeh Gag-i misheh:0)ruzeh avalesh vali vaghean ba cheshmayeh geryun raftam khuneh. bad az studioraftam ghanari neshesstamo ta tunesstam ba hamun medad ruu badanAyeh khodamkar kardam, kami behem aramesh dad. vali un rangayeh goh o karee keh engaryeh bacheyeh shish saleh anjam dadeh ta khodeh zireh lahafam donbalamumad!!!fekr konam hatta natunessstam un shab ba khodam var beram,...cheezeevasseh birun umadan nabud :)vali harfayeh in baba osstad peymad dar eyneh hal tu guusham bud. bavaretmisheh dafeh pish jayeh osstad behesh goftam uussstA?LLLOOOLLLbeh khoda,....akheh baram yekio ostad seda kardan kheyli sakhteh, ta halanakardam inkaro aslan tassalot beh in kalameh nadaram, shayad tu fekre samadbudam nemidunam vali yeho dad zadam vassateh studio goftam usssA yeh lahzehlotfan!!!!in uusssA yeh ma, ruzeh avval keh ma in naghasheero rangasho shuru kardeeem,vakhteh khuneh raftan keh ressid too daftaresh azam posssed keh nazaretcheeyeh? chee fekr mikoneee? manam aslan namardee nakardam, ta mitunesstamdelamo khali kardam. digeh nazdik bud Gagliostro ro unleash konamo bezaramaslan un sohbat koneh jayeh khodam,...bad bakhteeeo tensity_o assabani budanaz cheshmam birun mizad!!!!aval yeh labkhand zad, yeh labkhandeh kheyli ajibghareeeb, yeh jurayee engar ziadee khoshhal shod. bad khoshhalisho tashreehkard. goft keh kamtar kasssi bad az shuru-eh kareh avalesh hamcheen halateeebehesh dassst mideh. man khodam avalin karamo keh shuru kardam mareeezshodam,marizam kard, oftadam, dashtam az beyn miraftam, neshunmideh keh shoma ba vujudetun kar mikoneeed, ba assAbetun kar mikoneeed, batak takeh selul hayeh badanetun, neshun dahandeyeh ineh keh shomahonarmandeh bessiar khubee khaheed shod!!!!!mikhasstam bezanam tusareshshshshs!!!!!!
ruzeh badesh keh diruz bud, kalleh sahar baz khodamo jeloyeh in bumehvahshatnak peyda kardam. ranga hanuz beh hamun vahsheee yee behhem nigahmikardano behem mikkhandidan. ba nahayateh beeesharmeee o bee khialeee vapor ruuuyeee baz neshesstam jelsoh. sepideh dokhtareh keh kenaram ruuyehziba tareen assbha kar mikard baz shuuru kard beh in bumeh lanati nigahkardan,.....ozA tense taram bud, chon dagheeghan rafteh bud khanum tukalleyeh shahin agha va saligheyeh ishun ro dozdideh bud va rafteh budkhareed va dagheeghan lebasseeero pusheedeh bud keh agha shahinkhoshkhoshanesh misheh vakhtee mibinatesh. yeh pirhaneh sefido sadeh,crisp,.....yeh damaneh khakesstaree, az un jensseh gangsterhayeh 1930,kehkhat khatayeh sefeeedtar ruuush kassst, ba jurab hayeh nyloniyeh siah kehazolehayeh poshteh payeh khanum ro hessabee gaz zadani kardeh budand!nemidunam vazeh in hamkelassiyeh ma tense tar kardeh bud halo ahvaleh maroya in bumeh madar beh khatA! khoda ro shokr keh in jakesh shohardareh,....digeh halam beham khodeh az zaneh shohar dar!!!!dardeh sareshun vamuzi gareeshun az har jakesheh digeyeee bishtareh,...manam beh andazeh kafeejayeh danduno gaz poshteh gusham daram keh do bar rajeh beh yeh cheezeeefekr konam!!!!!!ineh keh hessabee zadam poshtesho shuru kardam beh hamungohee keh jalesseh ghablesh mikhordam!!!!!yeh etefaghatee belekhareh bad azchand saat oftad!!!style, aslan style man nabud, vali kam kam aghallan dasstmaleh khodam shodeh bud, yeh jurayee hamun karayee ro mikardam keh khodambahashun un ashnayee yeh hezar salaro dashtam. badam nayumad akharesh azhamash. kar ziad dareh hanuz, valikollan badam nayumad!akhareh kellasss usssA baz umad vayssstad jeloyeh in kareh bacheguneyeh ma.kar hayeh digaran ro mididam, va beh khodam migoftam hishkudum az in olaghaaslan controli beh shiveyeh kareshun nadaran, hich kuduk karayee ro kehmistunam bekonamofekr nemikonam tavanayeesho dashteh bashand, vali ba inhal,...faghat kolayeh man passeh marekeh bud. faghat in bumeh naghasheeeyehman.nigash mikardam, zol zadeh budam tu cheshash, faghatzol mizad behnaghasheeeyeh man,....bad az chandee zol zadanash beh surateh manam yehdassti mizado dobareh mirafdt ru bum. porseed azam chee fekr mikonam,....taumadam javabesho bedam, yeh soal umad tu saram keh ba nahayateh bee adabijayeh javabesh azash porsseeedam. ostad,...chera mikhandddid?????????bedune talaf kardaneh vakhtee va ba nahayateh meyl, goft, tA behal kassironadashtam keh ba avvalin karesh hamcheen esstedadi ro neshun bedeh eh man,tu karesh nahayateh tassallot ro neshun bedeh. barikallah,....sad afarin!!!
khandam gerefteh bud,.....areh,...baz mikhasstam bezanam tu saresh!!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Here's a photo of the murderous child molester "Shabun Bi Mokh" and next to it a photo of what's left of the great Mossadegh in the Shah's court after nationalizing the Iranian oil "his crime".

Friday, August 1, 2008

What is realism?

What do you think of oil paintings that look like photographs? Leave me your comments.