Go visit his website at www.masterpeyman.net
For those of you Iranian Artists whom either refer to themselves as “master” or give the title to someone else……. For those of you Artists who build websites after websites and one more fancy than the other….. For those of you connoisseurs of art who call the first painting that looks like a photograph “Realism” and who very much like flies gather round and round around the fruit of “Art” at every exhibition and art gathering. For those of you who probably wouldn’t tell the difference between good or bad work of art. For all of you ignorant parasites who have yet to learn a thing about art…… Here is a few works of Master Peyman the only one to whom are no two alike.
oh che tablohaye binaziry .. man akhari ro bishtar doost daram .. baram ajibe ke chetor kheily az naghashaye irany dar morede ishoon chizi nemigan .. rasty chera ?!.. masalan chera ishoon be andazeye katouzian ya farshchian shenakhte shode nist ?..
Oh, I am crying, I am speechless, and, at the same time I am angry at him, why, why and why, for god sack that he his to hide himself.
Why there is nothing about him out there, why nobody heard his name??????????
A true ARTIST lives a legacy behind. Why he is angry at people, to whom his works belong to??????? What is he going to with it?????? He must be a super egoistic person!!!!!! He does NOT care to pass on his knowledge!!!!!! He just is one of those who want to become famous after he is dead.
I can not write at this time, I am just sooooooooooooooooooo angry at this person that I never have experience before!!!!!
To Roshanak and Roya,.....
Roshanak jAn, FarshchiAn and katouzian are simply not even painters when it comes to the comparison. Why are they famous??? Simple, because they are not good enough. Didn't you know? In today's world the less you are the more famous you are and the more you are, the less famous you are. Go to Iman Maleki's website and compare his CRAP with Peyman's work.
Dear Roya,... I don't know you but I can tell you're not a sallow soul. A lot of what you say is true about Peyman BUT,........ Once you walk the path that poeple like peyman have walked, once you put your feet into their foot steps you'll understand this which you call ego or bitterness that you mentioned. It makes perfect sense, in the world that any Donkey is a master,,,would a real master really ever care to also become a member of? Would a real master even have time for this kind of shit?? think about it. Put yourself into his shoes if for a single moment. But I do also hear you and share your sentiments with you in a semi childish way I have to admit. I'd like to know what you think of my work as well. I'm putting my latest on my site in a couple of weeks from now.
lotfan be akharin post e weblogam sar bezanid va dar sourate tamaiol be porseshi ke matrah kardam pasokh bedid . komake bozorgi mikonid . merci .. :)
The Persistence of Memory, c.1931
shahin jan jomleie bala onvane yeki az tablohaye salvador dali e . in onvan dar iran ba tafavothaye ziady tarjome shode . mikhastam azat beporsam kodoom yeki az tarjomehaye zir be in onvan nazdik tare :
tavaghofe khaterat - tavaghofe zaman - estemrar khatere va ..
Shahin, in my very humble opinion, you have the ability to turn the ugliest truth in to phenomenon pieces, even dough I have a different point of view than you, when it comes to art.
I can see some of Master Peyman technique in your work, but I like his work much better than yours. Your Painting is still Raw and for sure you will get there.
Whenever I’ll be back to US/ LA, I would like to see Master peyman’s and your paintings. Thanks for posting his web on your blog.
Dear Roya, not sure what you meant about the turning the ugliest into something different but i'm sure there's sense into what you were talking about.
as for my paintings, you are rght on the money. there s no comparison between peyman's wrk and mine. But that's my very point. that's the very difference between a master and a student. This is how we're creating master after master. Every idiot who touches paint becomes a master. I have a bigger surprise for you....
enjoy and send me feedbacks.
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