Days from now is
Kamalolmolk's birthday. I seriously doubt that any Iranian will know or even give a dam about it. I would none the less have a thing or two to say about it just in case it would ketch some one's attention. First lets see who kamalolmolk was. had it not been for him Iranian artists were still drawing meaningless miniatures next to their opium. He was seriously anti Reza Shah and that's quit expected of a true artist. despite what most if not all Iranians think kamalolmolk did not bring Realism to Iran but introduced true naturalism to it's time which became a sort of a base for Realism by Master Hooshang Peyman the greatest painter Iran has ever known. Ok, in case I've lost you, there is a huge difference between Realism and naturalism. Chances are very few people can tell the difference between the two. We won't go there. I know I have talked about it many times before. What i think is of importance is where the artistic community is after about a hundred years after kamalolmolk. Lets be honest, today we won't find one single soul who will be able to describe Realism. If Realism can not be described by our connoisseurs of Art then neither can naturalism or any other school of painting for that matter. Sadly I find it not so surprising that yet Iran produces nothing but masters when it comes to painting along with any other subject in art I'm sure such as masters of music, masters of theater and this and that. The word MASTER must be just bout the cheapest name in our artistic vocabulary in fact. These days to be a master all a painter has to do is to lick his or her painting to the point that it turns into a photograph. Voila,... he or she is now a master. We have master
katouzian who is ridiculously called the greatest Realist when even he himself claims to be a graphist! No wonder, his student
Iman maleki and other canvas licker has earned this title after his Master. Today, Iman maleki, Mortea katouzian and in fact no other painter in the whole country has the capability to describe realism in a sentence. As far as they are concerned kamalolmolk brought realism from France and that's that. They take a projector, draw the outlines of an image on canvas in ten minutes and begin to soften the colors into one an other producing an image that has no artistic value. You as someone who has never seen a good painting may find these works to be great. an artist however will tell you that once you turn painting into a photo it looses so much. once colors are so mixed or in my terms "licked to death" the become simply put "dead." Dead colors have no life into them. Dead colors don't create a three dimensional image but a two dimensional one. Finally besides the fact that its really the projector that has done most of the work since a painter knows that softening or licking a work is considered to be the first thing that a student learns, there is now the most important thing missing, that being the creativity. But this creativity thing is a whole different story. It can not be taken lightly. I think us as Iranians have no notion of what art is. We love to scream it loud. We love to write it on big buildings that "Art is in the hands of Iranians." I think this alone shows how desperately we like to portray this image of our selves. I think we're happier as a nation when we produce these paper masters left and right. We sure have enough uneducated people who put these masters in the place of where our real masters belong devaluating their names and all their accomplishments.
As for kamalolmol, well who cares? What is the difference if he existed or didn’t? There was a single person named kamalolmolk that brought something to the art of Iran and an other single person who perfected it by the name of Houshang Peyman. Consequently they are both unrecognized by their people.
I for one would like to say happy birthday to Mr Ghaffari better known as kamalolmolk. Had he not existed these sheeps would have been the same sheeps. As for master Peyman well,.. Ask yourself; did you know of his existence? Yes, my point exactly.