Some time ago at a friend's house I met a charlatan by the name of Davood Roustaei. I remember having opened the door as the bell rang and here came this guy in a semi bull fighting costume with his hand on his tummy like Napoleon Bonaparte. He had pushed one eye brow up in the sky and almost walked in half way side ways. As he took these silly steps! Behind him, very much like a poodle dog walked some really cheap and sexy "Miss Tits on the Ritz" character called Shaghayegh. You know? the so called famous singer. I remember thinking to myself "Oh brother.." I don't want to go over how the crowd responded as the bull fighter and his female cow walked in, it was quit pathetic. Miss tits on the ritz Shaghayegh sat on the tip of some chair and perfected her sitting pose and froze there for a good 45 minutes or so, showing off her probably fake breasts to all the poor family members who were there for my friend's birthday. To my amazement the father of this poor being was also there at the party. He's some guy who supposedly owns an Iranian TV station or something. He had been invited with the other vultures that were officially the promoters of this Davood Roustaei character. One of the highlights of that party that stayed in my mind was the comments that the father was making about his appetite for "young chicks NOT OVER 18." I thought to myself, here,... he's the one to blame for the crumbled inner self of his poor sorry excuse of a daughter. As all the guys went GOOGOOGAAGAA over the loose chick What interested me was knowing just which whole had the crazy matador crawled out from. This is a guy who paints with his eyes closed and uses his fingers to paint. Ok, it only took 700 years for humanity to perfect the painting brush but never mind that insignificant fact. His pride and joy is the billions of photos that he's taken with any celebrity he could probably find and this it really shows in every photo. I encourage you to check it out. Oh yes, his works are for endless amounts of dollars and he paints for Vatican and the presidents! Get this please, KRIPTO REALISM,...yes you heard me right, KRIPTO realism is the new philosophy of painting that he has created. Right out of a superman movie in case you didn't get it. I can't help but to remember that famous event that took place in the old soviet union during Xruchev. for those of you who don't know it, there was a grand exhibition once made for the honour of Xruchev once. as he walked in, he noticed a statue that almost looked human but had a very modern crumbled face that didn't look anything like a face of a human being. He asked to see the artist that had made the statue. They brought this woman and introduced her to him. He asked the woman, what is this? She replied, this is me! Xruchev asks, do you look like this? or would you wish that you looked like this piece? she babbled on with her modern descriptive words and she hadn't finished her speech when suddenly Xruchev orders his officials to take her and sentence her to two years of hard work in Siberia so she can quickly repay that which her society had invested in her so she could produce art work for his nation. I have to say that as an artist I can understand that with my every fiber of being.
These days I think the Shaghayegh chick walks behind some other gay looking Iranian pop singer now making daddy proud I'm certain and she's moved on from the Bonaparte seen. As for the matador,...well,.... lets just say there was no one in the Iranian artistic community to feel offended and belittled at his presence. You want to see what he's up to these days,......
These days I think the Shaghayegh chick walks behind some other gay looking Iranian pop singer now making daddy proud I'm certain and she's moved on from the Bonaparte seen. As for the matador,...well,.... lets just say there was no one in the Iranian artistic community to feel offended and belittled at his presence. You want to see what he's up to these days,......
As an artist I don't concern myself much with the Shaghayegh "chick" as daddy would put it or miss "Claudia Lynx" ash she ridiculously calls herself since parasites like her are everywhere in every society but I do have entangled thoughts in regards to this other microbe Davood the stuge. As a great Iranian painter once said, Art is the symbol of the utmost manifestation of the human psyke. To stain it is to tarnish the very conciousness of the inner self.
salam shahin
khoobi ? baraye avalin bare ke be in bloget sar mizanam . estedade khoobi dar neveshtan dary .. chera khateratet ro neminevisy ? .. akharin bar barat ye peigham gozashtam tooie yahoo .. yahoom hack shode bood ama azadesh kardam !.. yahoo felan amno amane .. ba esme parande azad bahat chat mikardam age yadet bashe .. : divar_neveshte
be webloge kazaiye manam sar bezan gahi ..
doost dashtany hasty va bezanam be takhte rooz be rooz javoontar va khoshgeltar mishi .. movafagh bashi ostad .. ;)
Roshanak jAn, :o) How did you ever came across my blog?? Thanks for the compliment but let me tell you I may have the soule of a writter but that's about it and it all ends right about there. Witting is a vomitting bowl is what it is:o)
Please keep in touch and don't forget tlling me how you came across here. kisses...
salam shahin jan
shekaste nafsy mikoni ?.. behet nemiad .. maghroortar az in harfaiy sheytoon ( I know u KALAK ! )pas harfet ro bavar mikonam .. khob har kasi dar morede neveshtan ye aghideiy dare .. aghide to estefragh doonestaneshe .. khob bazi az neveshte ha daghighan estefraghhaye roohy ravany hastan .. manam az in no neveshteha ziad daram .. ama hameie neveshteha shayad intor nabashan .. begzarim .. va ma inke chetori yeho inja sarokalam peida shod :
teblighe tablohat ro tooie ye site az LA didam ..dorost yadam nist che site y bood ..
movazebe khodet bash ..man booset nemikonam .. lopat ro gaz mizanam !.. adam ro vasvase mikonan .. yummy ..oh yadam nabood man namahram hastam ! sorry .. bala be door .. khak be saram be ghole haj khanoomaye tehroony e ASEEEEEEEEL ;)) ..
Mr. Shahin
What you say about Davood Roostaei
Is out of jealousy , BS and undocumented
You cannot prove or did not prove
He is charlatan
I know this great artist who has his own
Style, crypto- realism
He is a descent man, down to the earth
With a book on his works for the past
30 years
Many beautiful paintings And yes with his
Fingers. Do you have problem with it
He has been endorsed by Dr. Fleming and other
Art experts he just had his expo in New York
Scope march-6-9-2014
His next art show at Monaco in April24-2014
Go and read about him
He is the living legend of our time now
Shame on you Mr. Shahin to be such a kid
Who is trying to just accuse people with no proof
Stop doing that , instead learn from him or
Try to see a Dr to treat you for too much
Khejalet bekesh Agha
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