Many years ago I met Bita Vakili by accident. It was a typical story of Email writings and a one sided infatuation from my part. She lived in Tehran and I was in LA soon about to make my trip to there after a life time of living in the states. I do remember a terribly hot after noon sitting in her atelier sweating a river as she offered me refreshments. The infatuation died probably that very day in that basement where she painted.
Since then I see the name Bita Vakili everywhere I turn on the net and her paintings has become something of a trendy nature it seams. There are a few things that I have to point out because it seams to be a common denominator with all these so called Modern Artist.
I won’t really get into the philosophy of any of this simply because I’m tired of doing it and besides to understand logics and reasoning of art one first needs the educated listeners and with all due respect to today’s living folks there simply aren’t any left. Don’t feel too bad if you’re reading this. If it’s any consolation I can promise you with much confidence that you won’t ever find a professor of art or any so called connoisseurs of art that could define the meaning of the word Realism. Don’t act shocked! Look, it’s a simple thing. One who graduates in arts and in art history at the Sorbonne that’s probably one of the better places in the world to study art would not have a notion of what art is. That's because the very books they studied never thought them a thing. To write a book about different schools of art you first have to be a philosopher so you can understand the philosophy aspect of it. Then, you’d need to be a painter, so you can put it all down on canvas to be able to understand and to touch what you say or else none of it would come out right. Then, you need to be a psychologist to be able to understand the psychology of art otherwise art is meaningless to you. Now you need to be a sociologist. To not understand sociology one has nothing to put on canvas. There’s probably a few other things to be accomplished to be able to write a book on art but at the end one certainly needs to be a strong writer so all of which one has learned can be put to words. Now, I’d like to hear the name of a single book about art that the author was even half of what I just described. The truth of it is that you just won’t find a book like this. The truth is that no book about art, no university that teaches art has ever anything valuable to say about art mainly for the reason I just explained. Now since art just became something of an orphan just about anyone can stick anything on its forehead and give it any desired attributes to mould it to the purposes of their exploitations. Now rtists like Bita Vakili can simply grow like wild weeds from every little whole in our planet.
This is where flies like Bita Vakili and her kind of so called artists start flying around the rotten but ever suit fruit of art. Now all that it takes is a large basement under some expensive house in (shahrake gharb) paid for by daddy of course, a big enough ego, a semi nostalgic life, an expensive website with the longest biography and a bunch of none sense that most usually end in spirituality is what one needs to be an artist. Speaking of which, thank god for Dr HOLAKOOEE who came out of no where and told all Iranian women that their love affair with their so called spirituality really is their mental illness and nothing more. (Abe pAki ro ru daste hamashun rikht~!) It’s amazing though, you won’t ever find a single website of these modern artists that you won’t find piles and piles of these ridiculous poetic quotations. Well wall would they put there? Something has to create some diversion from the piece of shit that the poor viewer has to look at. Quotations for god’s sake! It’s amazing that any idiot that fails chemistry and get into a war with their parents now opens a site, wipes up something on canvas and types quotations after quotations. Seriously, go to Bita Vakili’s page and tell me if the paragraph she has there makes any sense at all. http://www.beyondpersia.org/index.php/artists/details/bita_vakili/
Here, take a look at another one parasite of art
Since then I see the name Bita Vakili everywhere I turn on the net and her paintings has become something of a trendy nature it seams. There are a few things that I have to point out because it seams to be a common denominator with all these so called Modern Artist.
I won’t really get into the philosophy of any of this simply because I’m tired of doing it and besides to understand logics and reasoning of art one first needs the educated listeners and with all due respect to today’s living folks there simply aren’t any left. Don’t feel too bad if you’re reading this. If it’s any consolation I can promise you with much confidence that you won’t ever find a professor of art or any so called connoisseurs of art that could define the meaning of the word Realism. Don’t act shocked! Look, it’s a simple thing. One who graduates in arts and in art history at the Sorbonne that’s probably one of the better places in the world to study art would not have a notion of what art is. That's because the very books they studied never thought them a thing. To write a book about different schools of art you first have to be a philosopher so you can understand the philosophy aspect of it. Then, you’d need to be a painter, so you can put it all down on canvas to be able to understand and to touch what you say or else none of it would come out right. Then, you need to be a psychologist to be able to understand the psychology of art otherwise art is meaningless to you. Now you need to be a sociologist. To not understand sociology one has nothing to put on canvas. There’s probably a few other things to be accomplished to be able to write a book on art but at the end one certainly needs to be a strong writer so all of which one has learned can be put to words. Now, I’d like to hear the name of a single book about art that the author was even half of what I just described. The truth of it is that you just won’t find a book like this. The truth is that no book about art, no university that teaches art has ever anything valuable to say about art mainly for the reason I just explained. Now since art just became something of an orphan just about anyone can stick anything on its forehead and give it any desired attributes to mould it to the purposes of their exploitations. Now rtists like Bita Vakili can simply grow like wild weeds from every little whole in our planet.
This is where flies like Bita Vakili and her kind of so called artists start flying around the rotten but ever suit fruit of art. Now all that it takes is a large basement under some expensive house in (shahrake gharb) paid for by daddy of course, a big enough ego, a semi nostalgic life, an expensive website with the longest biography and a bunch of none sense that most usually end in spirituality is what one needs to be an artist. Speaking of which, thank god for Dr HOLAKOOEE who came out of no where and told all Iranian women that their love affair with their so called spirituality really is their mental illness and nothing more. (Abe pAki ro ru daste hamashun rikht~!) It’s amazing though, you won’t ever find a single website of these modern artists that you won’t find piles and piles of these ridiculous poetic quotations. Well wall would they put there? Something has to create some diversion from the piece of shit that the poor viewer has to look at. Quotations for god’s sake! It’s amazing that any idiot that fails chemistry and get into a war with their parents now opens a site, wipes up something on canvas and types quotations after quotations. Seriously, go to Bita Vakili’s page and tell me if the paragraph she has there makes any sense at all. http://www.beyondpersia.org/index.php/artists/details/bita_vakili/
Here, take a look at another one parasite of art
You know,,,the emptier the inside of a bag, the more covered with glitter on the outside. All of that aside, for heaven's sake, the very reason we have art is so we won't have to pile shit loads of quotations around it. Helloo????????????????????? a painting is a whole BOOK! DUUUUUUHHH?! Oh yes,,,for poeple who know how to paint that is,..never mind!
It’s as if no one finds a shorter wall than the "Art Wall" to climb from. Any and every looser becomes an accomplished artist. Of course vultures like the art promoters also have a hand in this. You ever seen the face of one of these pests? Go and meet one and believe me when I say they won’t have to open their mouth for their true selves to come out. Oh mother Russia, where are your communist leaders to save us all by sending these parasites all to Siberia so they can repay their debts to society?
Well, these few lines were only typed for the one in ten thousand who can comprehend where I come from.
I think people like Bita Vakili are criminals. Hey,…you… you that one among ten thousand! You know know what I’m talking about I know. As for the rest of you ….. oh just shut up and go be an Artist~! Websites are cheap nowadays.
It’s as if no one finds a shorter wall than the "Art Wall" to climb from. Any and every looser becomes an accomplished artist. Of course vultures like the art promoters also have a hand in this. You ever seen the face of one of these pests? Go and meet one and believe me when I say they won’t have to open their mouth for their true selves to come out. Oh mother Russia, where are your communist leaders to save us all by sending these parasites all to Siberia so they can repay their debts to society?
Well, these few lines were only typed for the one in ten thousand who can comprehend where I come from.
I think people like Bita Vakili are criminals. Hey,…you… you that one among ten thousand! You know know what I’m talking about I know. As for the rest of you ….. oh just shut up and go be an Artist~! Websites are cheap nowadays.